
A lo largo de mi carrera como psicólogo he impartido seminarios, participado en conferencias, mesas redondas, presentación de posters científicos y he sido invitado a coordinar paneles de expertos en congresos y conferencias nacionales como internacionales tales como las convenciones anuales de la American Psychological Association (APA), American Education Research Association (AERA), Emotional Intelligence Conference (EIC), Positive Psychology Congress (PPC), Congreso del Consejo Nacional de Enseñanza e investigación en Psicología (CNEIP).  Te comparto una lista de algunos eventos en los que he participado en forma continua:

Lista de presentaciones en foros académicos profesionales



Valdivia Vazquez, J.A. (2020, Octubre). Resiliencia, estrategias terapéuticas para construir una nueva normalidad. [Sesión de conferencia]. 1er Webinar Internacional: La Psicología en Iberoamérica.  México.


Ramirez Villaseñor, I., Eraña Rojas, I.E., & Valdivia Vazquez, J.A. (2019, Diciembre). La educación emocional a través de la narrativa de pacientes reales. [Sesión de conferencia]. 6º Congreso Internacional de Innovación Educativa, Monterrey, México.


Toledo Ferriño, M.A., & Valdivia Vázquez, J.A. (2018, Diciembre). Encontrando significado en el trabajo a través de actividades de Job Crafting. [Cartel de presentación]. 5º Congreso Internacional de Innovación Educativa, Monterrey, México.


Valdivia Vázquez, J.A. (2018, Noviembre). Validez y confiabilidad del PERMA-Profiler: Análisis psicométrico de dos versiones de formato de respuesta. [Sesión de conferencia]. 2º Congreso Internacional de Psicología Positiva, Ciudad de México, México.


García, C., Valdivia Vázquez, J.A., García, I., & Hernández, M.C. (2006, Marzo). Desarrollo de Instrumento sobre Psicopatía: Caso CERESO Apodaca. [Sesión de conferencia]. 4º Simposium de Psicología Organizacional ITESM, Monterrey, México.


Rodríguez, M.C., Sánchez, M., Valdivia Vázquez, J.A., Padilla, V.M. (2005, Abril). Inteligencia Emocional en Universitarios. [Sesión de conferencia] XXXII Congreso Nacional de Psicología, CNEIP, Mexicali B.C., México.




Valdivia Vazquez, J.A. (2023, August). "Wellbeing assessment tools for Mexican police workforce: a validity study". Poster to be presented at the 131st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.


Valdivia Vazquez, J.A. (2023, August). Wellbeing assessment tools: Mexican editions of the MLQ, WAMI and UWES. Poster to be presented at the 131st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

Valdivia Vazquez, J.A., & Sanchez Sol, V. (2022, August). Psychometric and cross-cultural test adaptation practices across English-Spanish languages. In. J.A.Valdivia Vazquez & M.C. Cruz-Gueta (Chairs). Strategies to decolonize psychological practices when working with the Latino population [Symposium] American Psychological Association 130th Annual Convention, Minneapolis, MN.

Valdivia Vazquez, J.A., Rubio Sosa, J.C.A., & Sanchez Sol, V. (2022, August). Psychometric Examination of the PERMA-Profiler in a Mexican Setting. Poster presented at the 130th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Minneapolis, MN.

Valdivia Vazquez, J.A. (2021, August). Multicultural Competence in Clinical and Forensic Practice. Symposium presented at the 129th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (Online).


Valdivia Vazquez, J.A. (2020, August). Educational and wellbeing challenges for Dreamers returning to Mexico. Paper presented at the 127th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.


Valdivia Vazquez, J.A., He, Y., & Hutson, B. (2020, August) Transadaptation of Positive Education Instruments in Chinese and Spanish Contexts. Paper presented at the 127th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.


Dosani, K.M., Rocha de Luna, R., Chen, E.C., Munoz de Zubiria, G., & Valdivia Vazquez, J.A. (2020, August) Fostering empowerment and resilience through digital activism in psychological practice. Paper presented at the 127th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.


Chen, E.C., Valdivia Vázquez, J.A, Dosani, K.M., Muñoz De Zubiria, G., & Rocha de Luna, R. (2019, August). Promoting resilience and psychological sense of community among displaced migrants. Poster presented at the 127th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, Il


He, Y., Hutson, B., Valdivia Vázquez, J.A., & Lui, J. (2019, July). Translation, Adaptation and Validation of Positive Education Instruments in Chinese and Spanish Contexts. Poster presented at the 6th World Congress on Positive Psychology, Melbourne, Australia


Valdivia Vázquez, J.A. (2019, April). Challenges for adapting positive psychology and wellbeing measures for educational uses in Mexico. Paper presented at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Canada.


Valdivia Vázquez, J.A., & Rocha de Luna, R. (2018, August). Human rights and leadership ties: Describing how DACA returnees and Mexican people are reshaping Mexico´s environment. Symposium presented at the 126th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA


Valdivia Vázquez, J.A., & Kern, M.L. (2018, June). The PERMA-P Mx: a Mexican Spanish-language version of the PERMA-Profiler test. Poster presented at the 2nd Festival of Positive Education, Forth Worth, TX


Valdés, P., Gutiérrez, L.A., & Valdivia Vázquez, J.A. (2018, June). Promoting positive psychology emotions in classroom settings. Poster presented at the 2nd Festival of Positive Education, Forth Worth, TX


Valdivia Vázquez, J.A., & Rubio Sosa, J.C.A. (2017, July). Emotional intelligence and college programs vocational preferences. Paper presented at the 6th International Congress on Emotional Intelligence, Porto, Portugal.


Valdivia Vázquez, J.A., & Rocha de Luna, R. (2016, August). Test adaptation procedures: A systematic review of international practices. Paper presented 124th at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Denver, CO


Valdivia Vázquez, J.A., & Rubio Sosa, J.C.A. (2015, September). A Mexican version of the Situational Test of Emotional Understanding: The STEU-Mx. Paper presented at the 5th International Congress on Emotional Intelligence, Buenos Aires, Argentine.


Valdivia Vázquez, J.A., French, B.F. & Rubio Sosa, J.C.A. (2014, August). Psychometric properties of the Mexican version of the Trait Meta-Mood Scale. Poster presented at the 122th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.


Valdivia Vázquez, J.A., Rubio Sosa, J.C.A., & French, B. F.  (2014, April). Examining construct equivalence across different Spanish-versions of an emotional intelligence scale. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (Division D, In-Progress Gala Session), Philadelphia, PA


Valdivia Vázquez, J.A., French, B.F. & Finch, W.H. (2014, April). Predicting Differential Item functioning on Mathematics Items using multilevel SIBTEST.  Poster presented at the National Council on Measurement in Education Annual Meeting, Philadelphia. PA


Valdivia Vázquez, J.A., Yen, H., & French, B. F. (2013, April). A Multitrait-Multimethod Analysis of the IED-III Socio-emotional Parent and Examiner Ratings. Poster presented at the National Council on Measurement in Education Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.


Valdivia Vázquez, J.A., French, B. F. & Rubio Sosa, J.C.A. (2013, April). Examination of the Trait Meta-Mood Scale -24 (TMMS-24) factor structure in a Mexican setting. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.


French, B. F., Gotch, C. M., Mantzicopoulos, P. Y., & Valdivia Vázquez, J. A. (2012, April). A factor model for the Brigance IED-III social-emotional scale. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual meeting, Vancouver, BC.


Valdivia Vázquez, J. A. (2012, April). Emotional Intelligence and academic performance: A meta-analysis.  Poster presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, (Division D, In-Progress Gala Session), Vancouver, BC.


Valdivia Vázquez, J.A., & French, B.F. (2011, April). Analysis of the psychometric properties of the TMMS with a Mexican sample. Poster presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, (Division D, In-Progress Gala Session), New Orleans, LA.